A letter from my agnostic self

I've just found this, which is a genuine email I wrote to my best friend and her husband before I became a Christian, as I was starting to explore my faith. It's slightly embarrassing, but part of me hopes that someone who's exploring the idea of God (or is, at least, open-minded enough to humour … Continue reading A letter from my agnostic self

What’s a prophet? Pt.1

I'm already warning you, this will be a LONG series of posts. Whenever I hear people talking about prophets or the prophetic, I don’t know what they mean. In my personal experience of the modern church, prophetic words appear to be confused with words of wisdom and knowledge. When I think of prophets or the prophetic, … Continue reading What’s a prophet? Pt.1


What’s this blog about?

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I'm using this medium as a way of expressing my thoughts and feelings. I'm in my mid-20s and I'm a new Christian, which means I have quite the unique perspective on Christianity and life in general. I'm intelligent and critical, I'm passionate and driven, and I'm too introspective for … Continue reading What’s this blog about?

A Brief Rant On How Important The Bible Is.

Paul explains to Timothy that all of Scripture is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). That means that God spoke the entirety of Scripture for us; that we may better understand ourselves, and I mean that in the absolute sense. God doesn’t change, and He knew that our nature doesn’t change either. Whatever aspect of our lives … Continue reading A Brief Rant On How Important The Bible Is.